SATO Wataru Laboratory

Mentalistic attention orienting triggered by android eyes

(Sato, Shimokawa, Uono, & Minato: Sci Rep)

The eyes play a special role in human communications.
Previous psychological studies have reported reflexive attention orienting in response to another individualfs eyes during live interactions.
Although robots are expected to collaborate with humans in various social situations, it remains unclear whether robot eyes have the potential to trigger attention orienting similarly to human eyes, specifically based on mental attribution.

We investigated this issue in a series of experiments using a live gaze-cueing paradigm with an android.
In Experiment 1, the non-predictive cue was the eyes and head of an android placed in front of human participants.
Light-emitting diodes in the periphery served as target signals.
The reaction times (RTs) required to localize the valid cued targets were faster than those for invalid cued targets for both types of cues.
In Experiment 2, the gaze direction of the android eyes changed before the peripheral target lights appeared with or without barriers that made the targets non-visible, such that the android did not attend to them.
The RTs were faster for validly cued targets only when there were no barriers.
In Experiment 3, the targets were changed from lights to sounds, which the android could attend to even in the presence of barriers.
The RTs to the target sounds were faster with valid cues, irrespective of the presence of barriers.

These results suggest that android eyes may automatically induce attention orienting in humans based on mental state attribution.

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