SATO Wataru Lab Recent Research

Mentalistic attention orienting triggered by android eyes

Weak subjective–facial coherence as a possible emotional coping in older adults

Sensing emotional valence and arousal dynamics through automated facial action unit analysis

How an android expresses gnow loadingch: Examining the properties of thinking faces

Advancements in sensors and analyses for emotion sensing

Computational analysis of value learning and value-driven detection of neutral faces by young and older adults

Machine learning-based interpretable modeling for subjective emotional dynamics sensing using facial EMG

Impairment of unconscious emotional processing after unilateral medial temporal structure resection

Delivery of pleasant stroke touch via robot in older adults

Cross-cultural differences in self-reported and behavioural emotional self-awareness between Japan and the UK

Development of the RIKEN database for dynamic facial expressions with multiple angles

Asynchrony enhances uncanniness in human, android, and virtual dynamic facial expressions

Influence of stimulus manipulation on conscious awareness of emotional facial expressions in the match-to-sample paradigm

The Human Affectome

Electromyographic validation of spontaneous facial mimicry detection using automated facial action coding

Sex differences in the rapid detection of neutral faces with emotional value

Autistic traits modulate the rapid detection of punishment-associated neutral faces

Differences in configural processing for human versus android dynamic facial expressions

An investigation of the modulatory effects of empathic and autistic traits on emotional and facial motor responses during live social interactions

The inversion effect on the cubic humanness-uncanniness relation in humanlike agents

Behavioral and neural underpinnings of empathic characteristics in a Humanitude-care expert

Altered emotional mind-body coherence in older adults

Crosstalk in facial EMG and its reduction using ICA

The widespread action observation/execution matching system for facial expression processing

Pleasant stroke touch on human back by a human and a robot

Subjective-physiological coherence during food consumption in older adults

Enhanced mirror neuron network activity and effective connectivity during live interaction among female subjects

Exploration of emotion dynamics sensing using trapezius EMG and fingertip temperature

How are emotional facial expressions detected rapidly and accurately? A diffusion model analysis

Computational process of sharing emotion: An authentic information perspective

Robot touch with speech boosts positive emotions

Spatio-temporal properties of amused, embarrassed and pained smiles

Rapid detection of neutral faces associated with emotional value among older adults

An android for emotional interaction: Spatiotemporal validation of its facial expressions

The structural neural correlates of atypical facial expression recognition in autism spectrum disorder

Rapid detection of neutral faces associated with emotional value

Brow and masticatory muscle activity senses subjective hedonic experiences during food consumption

Viewpoint robustness of automated facial action unit detection systems

Colorfs indispensable role in the rapid detection of food

Schizotypy is associated with difficulties detecting emotional facial expressions

Impairment of emotional expression detection after unilateral medial temporal structure resection

Cross-cultural differences and psychometric properties of the Japanese Actions and Feelings Questionnaire (J-AFQ)

Assessing automated facial action unit detection systems for analyzing cross-domain facial expression

Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries

Vocal synchrony of robots boosts positive affective empathy

Emotional valence sensing using a wearable facial EMG device

Facial EMG activity is associated with hedonic experiences but not nutritional values while viewing food images

Positive emotion amplification by representing excitement scene with TV chat agents

Physiological correlates of subjective emotional valence and arousal dynamics while viewing films

Cultural differences in food detection

Enhanced emotional and motor responses to live vs. videotaped dynamic facial expressions

Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying social atypicalities in autism: Weak amygdalafs emotional modulation hypothesis

Association between dieting failure and unconscious hedonic responses to food

Image database of Japanese food samples with nutrition information

Facial EMG correlates of subjective hedonic responses during food consumption

Older adults detect happy facial expressions less rapidly

A sensorimotor control framework for understanding emotional communication and regulation

Amygdala activity related to perceived social support

Editorial: Dynamic emotional communication

Cultural moderation of unconscious hedonic responses to food

Atypical amygdala-neocortex interaction during dynamic facial expression processing in autism spectrum disorder

Resting-state neural activity and connectivity associated with subjective happiness

Hunger promotes the detection of high-fat food

The atypical social brain network in autism: Advances in structural and functional MRI studies

Widespread and lateralized social brain activity for processing dynamic facial expressions

Amygdala activation during unconscious visual processing of food

Corticostriatal-limbic correlates of sub-clinical obsessive-compulsive traits

Facial expressions of basic emotions in Japanese laypeople

Naturalistic emotion decoding from facial action sets

Analyzing neural activity and connectivity using intracranial EEG data with the SPM software

Spatiotemporal commonalities of fronto-parietal activation in attentional orienting triggered by supraliminal and subliminal gaze cues: An event-related potential study

Homeostatic modulation on unconscious hedonic responses to food

Gray matter volumes of early sensory regions are associated with individual differences in sensory processing

Impaired detection of happy facial expressions in autism

Reduced gray matter volume in the social brain network in adults with autism spectrum disorder

Putamen volume is negatively correlated with the ability to recognize fearful facial expressions

Structural correlates of reading the mind in the eyes in autism spectrum disorder

Neural mechanisms underlying conscious and unconscious gaze-triggered attentional orienting in autism spectrum disorder

Fat content modulates rapid detection of food: A visual search study using fast food and Japanese diet

Bidirectional electric communication between the inferior occipital gyrus and the amygdala during face processing

Time course of gamma-band oscillation associated with face processing in the inferior occipital gyrus and fusiform gyrus: A combined fMRI and MEG study

Neural substrates of the ability to recognize facial expressions: A voxel-based morphometry study

Rapid gamma oscillations in the inferior occipital gyrus in response to eyes

Gamma oscillations in the temporal pole in response to eyes

Unconscious affective responses to food

Scientists' personality, values, and well-being

Neuroticism delays detection of facial expressions

The association between perceived social support and amygdala structure

Structural neural substrates of reading the mind in the eyes

Direction of amygdala–neocortex interaction during dynamic facial expression processing

Putamen volume correlates with obsessive compulsive characteristics in healthy population

The structural neural substrate of subjective happiness

Neural mechanisms underlying conscious and unconscious attentional shifts triggered by eye gaze

Emotional attention capture by facial expressions

Spatiotemporal neural network dynamics for the processing of dynamic facial expressions

Common impairments of emotional facial expression recognition in schizophrenia across French and Japanese cultures

Exaggerated perception of facial expressions is increased in individuals with schizotypal traits

Inhibition of emotion-related autonomic arousal by skin pressure

Facial feedback affects valence judgments of dynamic and static emotional expressions

Increased putamen volume in adults with autism spectrum disorder

Impaired overt facial mimicry in response to dynamic facial expressions in high-functioning autism spectrum disorders

Enhanced subliminal emotional responses to dynamic facial expressions

Commonalities and differences in the spatiotemporal neural dynamics associated with automatic attentional shifts induced by gaze and arrows

Reduced representational momentum for subtle dynamic facial expressions in individuals with autism spectrum disorders

Sex differences in the rapid detection of emotional facial expressions

Rapid, high-frequency, and theta-coupled gamma oscillations in the inferior occipital gyrus during face processing

Electrophysiological correlates of the efficient detection of emotional facial expressions

Atypical recognition of dynamic changes in facial expressions in autism spectrum disorders

Rapid and multiple-stage activation of the human amygdala for processing facial signals

Relationships among facial mimicry, emotional experience, and emotion recognition

Common and unique impairments in facial-expression recognition in pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified and Asperger¡Çs disorder

Impaired social brain network for processing dynamic facial expressions in autism spectrum disorders

Recognition memory for faces and scenes

Subcategories of positive emotion

Rapid amygdala gamma oscillations in response to eye gaze

Right hemispheric dominance and interhemispheric cooperation in reflexive attentional shift by gaze

Temporal profile of amygdala gamma oscillations in response to faces

The specific impairment of fearful expression recognition and its atypical development in pervasive developmental disorder

The inversion effect for neutral and emotional facial expressions on amygdala activity

Rapid amygdala gamma oscillations in response to fearful facial expressions

Facial expression arousal level modulates facial mimicry

Impairment of unconscious, but not conscious, gaze-triggered attention orienting in Asperger's disorder

Amygdala integrates emotional expression and gaze direction in response to dynamic facial expressions

Amygdala activity in response to forward versus backward dynamic facial expressions

Automatic attentional shifts by gaze, gestures, and symbols

Representational momentum for dynamic facial expressions in pervasive developmental disorder

Dynamic fearful gaze does not enhance attention orienting in individuals with Asperger's disorder

Misrecognition of facial expressions in delinquents

Dynamic fearful expressions enhance gaze-triggered attention orienting regardless of anxiety level

Facilitation of gaze-triggered attention orienting by a fearful expression and its relationship to anxiety

Detection of emotional facial expressions and anti-expressions

Commonalities in the neural mechanisms underlying automatic attentional shifts by gaze, gestures, and symbols

Cross-cultural reading the mind in the eyes: An fMRI investigation

Anti-expressions: Artificial control stimuli for emotional facial expressions regarding visual properties

Enhanced facial EMG activity in response to dynamic facial expressions

The information processing role of the amygdale in emotion

Time course of superior temporal sulcus activity in response to eye gaze: A combined fMRI and MEG study

Attentional shift by gaze is triggered without awareness

Involvement of medial temporal structures in reflexive attentional shift by gaze

Dynamic facial expressions of emotion induce representational momentum

Emotion elicitation effect of films in a Japanese sample

Spontaneous facial mimicry in response to dynamic facial expressions

Right hemispheric dominance in processing of unconscious negative emotion

Enhanced experience of emotional arousal in response to dynamic facial expressions

Right hemispheric dominance in gaze-triggered reflexive shift of attention in humans

Emotion recognition from facial expressions in a temporal lobe epileptic patient with ictal fear

Characteristics of the involvement of the amygdala in the recognition of emotional expressions: a review of neuropsychological research

The amygdala processes the emotional significance of facial expressions: an fMRI investigation using the interaction between expression and face direction

Enhanced neural activity in response to dynamic facial expressions of emotion: an fMRI study

The dynamic aspects of emotional facial expressions

Eye gaze triggers visuospatial attentional shift in individuals with autism

Seeing happy emotion in fearful and angry faces: Qualitative analysis of the facial expression recognition in a bilateral amygdala damaged patient

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